Babilon the best on-line translator
Hebrew-English translator
A Hebrew-English translator by zooloo
The best dictionary in English.
Multilingual E-translation portal.
One Look dictionaries
Think of this web site as a search engine for words: If you have a word for which you'd like a definition or translation,
we'll quickly shuttle you to the web-based dictionaries that define or translate that word.
Internet Translator(tm)
multi-language translation system for webpages and text. The translations are not perfect but they can give you a general idea of what is being communicated.
your dictionary provides the most comprehensive and authoritative portal for language and language-related products
and services on the web with more than 1800 dictionaries with more than 250 languages. More than 1,500,000 people a
month visit YDC.
Dictionary com
A portal of dictionary and thesaurus.
Urban Dictionary
The Urban Dictionary is a slang dictionary. You can add your own vocabulary to the UD.
On-Line Dictionaries
The WWLIA Legal Dictionary
Acronym and Abbreviation Server
dictionaries & translators
This folder contains links to dictionaries & translators on-line.
Those websites are needed for business, studies and academic research.